This is a list of some presentations performed during the mentioned events:
Commissioning and Qualification - ASTM E2500-07 : life cycle, pre-requisite, Good Practices
ISPE France, Conference, Paris
Change management by computerized systems
- Risk-based assessment of changes
- Special cases: Patches, hot fixes, virus scanner
- Data management
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
Business continuity
ISPE, Conference "GAMP® 5 Operational Aspects", Washington DC
Design Review: from milestone to process
Concept Heidelberg, Conference, Berlin
Efficiency improvement based on virtualization
Concept Heidelberg, Workshop, Berlin
Elaborating good requirements
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Mannheim
IT Infrastructure Control and Compliance according to GAMP® 5
joint webinar with Jerry Hare, Talecris Biotherapeutics / Voice of Compliance,
ISPE, Webinar
GAMP® 5: a risk-based compliance standard for computerized systems
IIR Austria, Conference, Vienna
Quality Risk Management
IIR Austria, Conference, Vienna
Optimal preparation of audits: for auditors and auditees
in collaboration with Lydia Dolezel, Lilly Austria
IIR Austria, Training, Vienna
Change management by computerized systems
- Risk-based assessment of changes
- Special cases : Patches, hot fixes, virus scanner
- Data management
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Mannheim
Business Continuity
ISPE, Conference "GAMP® 5 Operational Aspects", Strasbourg
Practical approach to a risk-based customer/supplier relationship
ISPE France, Conference, Lyon
>Leveraging supplier involvement
in collaboration with Dr. Arno Terhechte, GMP Inspector, Bezirksregierung Münster, Germany
Concept Heidelberg, Conference, Mannheim
Elaborating good requirements
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Mannheim
Quality new paradigm: outcome of ICH Q8, Q9 and Q10
on behalf of Jean-Louis Robert
ISPE France, PQLI: Product Quality Life cycle Implementation conference, Paris
Data management: definition and principles
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
Data management: from backup to data security
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
Leveraging supplier involvement
IIR Germany, Technical conference, Mannheim
GAMP® 5 principles for GxP compliant systems
Using GAMP® 5 for medical devices
MedConf 2008, Conference about embedded software for medical devices, Munich
GxP compliant IT infrastructure for GxP compliant systems and software
Compliance requirements to the IT infrastructure for the development of medical devices
MedConf 2008, Conference about embedded software for medical devices, Munich
Applying a risk-based approach to compliant ERP systems
Leveraging supplier involvement
ISPE, GAMP® 5 conference, Manchester
ICH Q9, ASTM E2500-07, GAMP® 5 : Compliance strategy for computerized systems implementing a science-based risk management
ISPE France, GAMP® 5 launch conference, Lyon
Elaborating good requirements
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
PAT: Which requirements to the automated systems?
Concept Heidelberg, Conference, Mannheim
Supplier audit: How to prepare and to behave ?
Concept Heidelberg, Post-conference workshop, Mannheim
Inspector's expectations regarding supplier auditing
Concept Heidelberg, Post-conference workshop, Mannheim
Supplier audit: Expectations regarding supplier's test documentation
Concept Heidelberg, Post-conference workshop, Mannheim
ICH Q9, ASTM E2500-07, GAMP® 5 : A framework for a science-based risk management
Elan Software Systems, XFP user club 2008, Dublin
How to evaluate and to define the testing effort? User/supplier responsibilities, risk management
GAMP Francophone, 4th Round Table, Paris
IT Infrastructure and GAMP® 5
Concept Heidelberg, Conference, Heidelberg
Virtualization: introduction and overview
Concept Heidelberg, Conference, Heidelberg
Virtualization in GxP environment
Concept Heidelberg, Post-conference workshop, Heidelberg
Good Automation Practice for HVAC: Requirements, Architecture, Qualification
ISPE, Winter Conference, Amsterdam
Data management: definition and principles
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
Data management: from backup to data security
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Heidelberg
Audit and inspection: how to prepare, to plan, to perform and to behave?
Customer event, Germany
Elaborating Good Requirements
Concept Heidelberg, Training, Mannheim
Traceability in the pharmaceutical industry: Electronic Batch Record, implementing an MES, ...
Customer event, Lisbon
ISA-88, ISA-95, GAMP® : Which framework for pharmaceutical MES projects?
ISPE France, Conference "Manufacturing Traceability", Bolbec
Practical Case Study: MES, ERP, and Automation Systems: Functionality and Objectives
ISPE, Autumn Conference, Vienna
Introduction to the GAMP® Good Practice Guide: 'IT Infrastructure Compliance and Control'
AKQIT, Round Table, Basle
How automation systems fit the Commissioning and Qualification Model:
Integrating concepts of GAMP® 4 and 'Commissioning and Qualification' Baseline® Guide
on behalf of Guy Wingate
ISPE, Spring Conference, Copenhagen
PAT: Which requirements to the automated systems?
ISPE France Affiliate, PAT Conference, Paris
Elaborating Good Requirements
European Compliance Academy, Training, Copenhagen
Scalability of equipment qualification: an experience report
European Compliance Academy, Conference "Regulatory requirements on laboratory computers and records", Copenhagen
Network Qualification Principles
European Compliance Academy, IT Infrastructure Conference, Copenhagen
Time synchronization / time management in network
European Compliance Academy, IT Infrastructure Conference, Copenhagen
Regulatory Compliance and Process Safety in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Conference ERTS 2006, Toulouse
Maintenance of automated systems and GAMP® 4
Conference Maintenance and Quality, organized by the department GIM (Génie Industriel et Maintenance), University Institute of Technology, Chartres
Network Qualification, Network Management
ISPE, Winter Conference, Milano
Introduction to the Good Process Record Management (GxP)
GAMP® 4: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: history and development of the GAMP® initiative
ISPE France, GAMP® Conference, Toulouse
Validation of Laboratory Computer Systems
ISPE France, GAMP® Conference, Toulouse
IT Network Qualification
Concept Heidelberg, CSV Conference, Mannheim
Time synchronization / time management in network
Concept Heidelberg, CSV Conference, Mannheim
GxP compliant data management
Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage 2005
Risk-based planning, execution and qualification
Customer event, Stuttgart
Risk-based planning and execution:
Equipment Qualification, Process Validation
Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage
Automation and Risk Evaluation
ISPE France Affiliate, Conference, Paris
Risk-based approach to cGxP: New 21CFR11 Guidance for Industry (FDA)
Customer event, Interlaken
Quality oriented clean-room monitoring
Benediktbeurer Reinraumtage